January 24, 1909, at 15.00
Atotxa Velodrome, San Sebastian

Ciclista Foot–Ball Club

Stade Bordelais UC
1–1 Juan Zabala
2–1 George McGuinness
3–1 George McGuinness
4–1 Miguel Sena
5–1 George McGuinness
0–1 … 10′
5–2 …
- Alfonso Sena
- Amann
- Arrillaga
- Bea
- Elósegui
- Iza
- McGuinness
- Miguel Sena
- Rodríguez
- Usandizaga
- Zabala
- Sullivan
- Wright
- Lucas
- Other
- Echeverria
- Lesca
- Duret
- Ribot
- Stterfield
- Soubies
- Baillet
The teams play: with white shirts and pants the Stade Bordelais, wearing a yellow shield with a rampant lion on their chest; and blue pants with a white shirt and the initials of Club San Sebastián on the chest.
Mr. Zangroniz
Great foot–ball game
At the Atocha velodrome, a great “Foot ball” match will be held today, Sunday, at half past three in the afternoon, between the first teams of the “Stade Bordelais Univesité Club” and “Ciclista Foot-ball Club.”
Stade Bordelais U. Club
Goal: Sullivan
Backs: Wright. -Luke. (chap)
Midfielders: Other. –Echeverria. –Lesca.
Forwards: Duret. –Ribot. –Stterfield. –Soubies. –Baillet.
Forwards: Zabala. –Lacort. –McGuinness –M. Sena (cap). —Elosegui.
Midfielders: Urquiza. –Usandizaga. –Arrillaga.
Backs: A. Sena. –Tallmand.
Goal: P. Bea.
From the C. F. C. of San Sebastián.
Colors. –«Stade Bordelais» white pants, white shirt. –«Ciclista F. B. Club: blue pants, blue and white shirt.
Prices of the locations. –Chairs 1.50. –Free circulation, 1.00. –The general enters, 0.50.
A music band will entertain the show.
Today’s match
Today the long–awaited match between Stade Bordelais and C. F. C. San Sebastián will take place on the field of the Velodrome de Atocha.
The interest it has aroused is enormous, and we know that a good number of spectators from Irun and Bilbao, mainly, plan to move to our beautiful Easo.
The weather seems ungrateful to them, and to us, but despite everything, a good contingent of fans plans to brave the small, cold rain, because the match has to be played even if it rains.
The teams are the following:
Stade Bordelais: Goal, Sullivan.
Backs: Wriglit. —Lucas (cap).
Midfielders: Other. —Echeverria. —Lesca.
Forwards: Duret. —Ribot. —Stterfield. —Sonbies. —Baillet.
And from San Sebastián:
Forwards: Zabala. —X. -McGuinness. —M. Sign. —Elosegui.
Midfielders: Urquiza. —Usandizaga. —Arrillaga.
Backs: A. Sena. —Vhallemand.
Goal: P. Bea.
We think that Mr. Zangronis from Stade Bordelais will act as referee.
This interesting match will begin at three at half o’clock.
For the convenience of the public, tickets are of three kinds:
1st Chairs at the price of 1.50 pesetas.
2nd Free circulation and banks, 1.00 peseta, and
3rd general admission to two royal doctors.
A band will entertain the spectators’ ears during the match.
The teams play: with white shirts and pants the Stade Bordelais, wearing a yellow shield with a rampant lion on their chest; and blue pants with a white shirt and the initials of Club San Sebastián on the chest.
He was planning to wear a new uniform today, but the shirts have not arrived.
Finally: the Board of the C. F. C., please note that members who have not collected this month’s receipt can do so at the ticket office at the entrance; where they will be given free entry of movement at the same time.
Finally, I will wish for both the local club and the fans that the weather improves, as it is a shame that a match of this nature is marred by rain.
Yesterday’s game
Despite the unpleasantness of the day, the Atocha velodrome was busy.
The enthusiasm and interest that the match had aroused was palpably demonstrated in the audience, which did not abandon the show despite the rain and snow that fell during the break.
It is a true success that our brave team achieved.
He becomes fond of his laurels and is not content with little things.
On the 6th of last month in Bilbao they beat the first team of that town, one of the best in Spain, and yesterday the champions of the South of France.
Our team completely dominated the second half of the match, always playing in the enemy’s field with intelligence and bravery, demonstrating superiority and dominance over the French.
What would have been if our lines had been complete with the very intelligent players Lacort and Simmons?
A few moments into the match, the Bordeaux scored the first goal, with some ease.
The fight continued with real ferocity, the players moving from one side to the other more than the ball, to the point of interrupting the game for a few minutes due to the spectacular fall of one of the players on the Bordeaux field who had to be rubbed.
With this replaced, the fight continues with the same enthusiasm until it concludes with very skillful plays made by those from San Sebastián, finishing them with a quick and precise combination of M. Sena and Zabala, the latter scoring the goal with his head, thus leaving both teams equal. .
The fight always continues with the same enthusiasm and the public showed their enthusiasm by applauding and victorious for our players.
The second goal was scored by our friendly Englishman McGuinness, very well supported by M. Sena and Elósegui who centered until putting it at the disposal of McGuinness who scored the second for San Sebastián.
After 45 minutes there is a break. Once the fight has resumed, the well-united players of the “Ciclista Foot–Ball Club” make two filigrees with the ball, passing it to each other with ease and skill.
The audience was excited and applauded.
And in this moment, the brave Arrillaga does the rest, behaving like a hero, McGuinness picks up the ball and scores the third goal.
The Bordeaux people are encouraged and dominate the San Sebastian countryside for a moment.
A cross from Zabala is collected with skill by Miguel Sena and this scores the fourth goal for San Sebastián.
The Bordeaux team once again dominates our field and scores a dubious goal that is considered valid despite the protests.
After the kick off, Elósegui takes the ball a short distance from the goal and he thought the ball was already in, but it fell.
McGuinness enters and scores the fifth goal.
Shortly after, the match ends, with the San Sebastian team victorious 5 against 2.
The audience applauded enthusiastically and the party ended with everyone leaving very satisfied with it and ready to witness matches as exciting as the one played yesterday.
Yesterday’s match
The match that was played yesterday between the Stade Bordelais and the C. F. C. of San Sebastián did not deny in the slightest what had been announced about it. The very large audience had gathered around the field, with the fair sex abounding, and during the course of the match they had given proof of their fortitude and enthusiasm, as there was a moment when the snow made its appearance, and not even by chance was anyone seen leaving its seat.
The interest with which the public followed the game was great, and the truth is that the spectacle that the game offered was well deserved. I have never seen a game played like yesterday’s.
Our team made a true display of skill, dominating the famous Bordeaux for three quarters of the game, especially in the second half, in which they did not stop for a moment bombarding the Bordeaux goal. His game was very fast, strong, skilled and very confident. The entire team played admirably, and won, and will win as long as they play that way. The referee, Mr. Zangroniz, assured that of all the games played by a team, it was without a doubt our team that had played the best game.
The match began at the appointed time, with the Bordeaux dominating, and after 10 minutes they scored the first goal. This seems to wake up our team, and in one of their attacks, the platoon crosses the goal line pulled by one from Bordeaux. The subsequent attack was very well taken by M. Sena, and Zabala scored the first goal for San Sebastián with his head.
The platoon, placed in the center and given the start, passes from the feet of McGuinness, to M. Sena and from him to Elósegui. The ball is centered by the latter and falls in front of the French defense, presenting itself to McGuinness, who manages to take hold of it and score San Sebastián’s second goal. 48″ have passed since they started.
The first half ends without the two teams changing position, showing the dominance of San Sebastián. Rest for photographers, etc.
The second part begins by leaving San Sebastián and dominating a good time. The precision of his passes is admirable. The ball passes from one of the forwards to the other, with a liveliness and skill that makes the audience burst into applause.
Once it was put in a corner and played by M. Sena, it was picked up by Arrillaga, who unleashed a superb kick, stopped by the goalkeeper in a bad way, and picked up by McGuinness, who scored the third goal.
The Bordeaux team manages to get past the San Sebastian defense and shoot a shot that ends up hitting the post, and then comes out again. The judge gives a goal to Bordeaux.
San Sebastián continues to dominate, because its defense, which is superb, does not let a ball pass. The San Sebastian midfielders are forced to play the attack, which they excel at. A cross from Zabala is skillfully collected by M. Sena, and without stopping the ball, from a superb short, he makes it into the goal. Four goals for San Sebastián.
Zabala and Elósegui spread out in the centers. A very good shoot from Rodríguez, it passes a few centimeters from the goal. Another from Elósegui hits a stick. The Bordeaux attack again for a moment but give Bea time to miss her goal and annihilate his efforts.
Elósegui arrives two meters from the goal and is about to score, but he has the misfortune of falling to the ground and losing the ball.
Finally McGuinness collects a new center, and passing the defense, he scores again for his team. That is to say, these are five.
The French team is demoralized, while the San Sebastian team continues to attack with real determination.
And here the match ends, with the San Sebastian victory, by five goals to two.
The public gives a standing ovation to the winners and losers, and the truth is that both deserve it.
The comments are tasty and very nutritious, highly praising this superb match.
Lacort has been criticized a lot, and above all the fact that the games come more often.
I will make an observation about this, and it is the following. It is extremely difficult to be able to offer good games to the public, for the simple reason that good Clubs in the South of France are scarce, with only Toulouse (Stade) and Bordeaux (Stade and Sport Athletique) among them, the others being more appropriate. to compete with a good second team, and some not even that.
I finish by sending my congratulations to the team and the organizing Club, and wishing them many triumphs like yesterday’s.